Monday, March 21, 2011

i'm having an accident

  asalam mualaikum .. .. wr wb.... good afternoon  .brothers. and sisters ..i'm having an accident at the end of year2010 yesterday, so i've got  shaded eyes ,  dizzy head, hands and legs broken  still hurts until now, has not again that the broken tooth , ... complete already suffering, when consent breaks've come out, and i must undergo jobs activity again as usual, one thing that we must be carefull  on the road, other factors also support an accident could occur , my advice for all:
1.cek it out your vehicle before leaving, such as brakes, lamps, bald tires like my father head, he he he ..etc.
2.used fullface helmets don't that halfface, i used halface helmet yesterday so my fronth teeth all damaged, .., then used skin vest, just in case if you have fallen not bleeding,and do not use sandals.
3.watchout for weather ... you definitely understand this one, if raining very slippery.
4.obey the traffic rules, do not go when the lights is red/red light. your temper/emotion ....
6.pray before you go departure.

all the above only factor that can minimize the effects / impact of the risk of accidents, it all depends on luck too, his name is also on the road, if guns crashing, yes hit, if guns fall .. stay how we react to it, if wisdom that w can be hell, so w could get together with family during a break, because at my job theris no time for rest. ,thas'its.. because my wife has boking me breakfast, eat first ...goodbye..asalamualaikum wr ... wb..continue!!!!

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